Di Android 4.4 KitKat, metode yang digunakan oleh sebagian besar program yang lebih tua untuk menelusuri ulang media penyimpanan tidak lagi bekerja. Sebaliknya, sebuah antarmuka harus digunakan hanya memungkinkan satu file yang akan ditentukan pada suatu waktu. Aplikasi ini bekerja dengan menentukan apa file / folder mungkin perlu dipindai lagi, dan kemudian dengan memanggil API yang benar pada setiap file / folder.
Aplikasi ini di bawah GNU GPL v2 lisensi atau lambat, dengan kode sumber yang tersedia di http://github.com/jerickson314/sdscanner
SD Scanner dapat digunakan dengan Tasker dengan menggunakan "Kirim Intent" tindakan yang terdaftar di bawah "System."
Gunakan pengaturan berikut, meninggalkan yang saya tidak daftar di default:
Aksi: android.intent.action.RUN
Paket: com.gmail.jerickson314.sdscanner
Kelas: com.gmail.jerickson314.sdscanner.MainActivity
Download SD Scanner apk
SD Scanner 1.11 ditawarkan oleh Jeremy Erickson adalah jenis aplikasi Alat yang kompatibel dengan android 4.0 dan lebih tinggi,You may also like:: download SD Scanner apk
Target: Kegiatan
Jika ada yang ingin menulis sebuah plugin Tasker tepat, saya dengan senang hati akan mengambil Permintaan Tarik di Github.
Kontribusi tambahan dari berikut ini:
- Republik translation: Jaroslav Lichtblau
- Terjemahan Cina: Laurence Chiu
- Terjemahan Rusia: Github pengguna "Relan"
- Tweak UI: Relan
22 Agt 2014 - And the same is true of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini, which downsizes its . didn't exactly wow us, nor was it the most exciting handset we'd ever used. .. Biometric security through the built-in fingerprint scanner? ... I refuse to buy any phone with less than a minimum of 32gb of int storage with sd-card.20 Apr 2016 - Découvrez notre test complet du Samsung Galaxy S7 edge : écran, caractéristiques, prix et . Pendant mon test, je me suis servi d'une carte SD Samsung de 120 Go. Le retour .. particularités, - Scanner d'empreintes digitales25 Mar 2015 - The Samsung Galaxy S6 brings quite a few positive changes to the table, but also has . have a larger, sd card recovery android but non-swappable battery, and no fingerprint scanner. ... As a user, I'd like both larger base storage and SD expansion.
7 Agt 2016 - Ternyata Begini Cara Kerja Iris Scanner Samsung Galaxy Note 7 . Gambar di bawah ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana teknologi iris scanner bekerja. .. Xiaomi Mi 5S Specs Sheet Leaks on AnTuTu, Confirms SD 821 sd card data recovery 7 Apr 2014 - Subtly improved and smartly refined, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is a superior . The fingerprint scanner can be confusing to use, and the heart-rate monitor is a ... I'd love to be able to call it up with a triple-screen tap, perhaps.15 Jun 2015 - Samsung's Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are the most interesting and well-designed phones . The S6 and S6 Edge don't have Micro SD card slots or removable batteries, and their . The Active doesn't have a fingerprint scanner.
18 Agt 2015 - It's not a flagship handset, but the Samsung Galaxy Alpha sure looks and feels like one. . these two handsets right this second, I'd pick the Alpha every single time. . and no SD-card support which is kind of an odd move for Samsung, given . You also get Samsung's largely useless fingerprint scanner and 17 Apr 2015 - As recently as the Galaxy S5, Samsung had a fundamentally different .. turned into a fingerprint scanner that is touch-based rather than a swipe sensor. . System Performance Cont'd: GPU Performance · NAND Performance: The . I dislike the removal of the SD Card slot in favor of being more iPhone-like, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is an Android phablet smartphone produced and marketed by . and as authentication for other features of the device (such as Samsung Pay and Secure Folder). A fingerprint reader is also embedded in the home button.
Atau untuk Android 4.0 keatas silakan masuk Settings -> Security -> gulir kebawah dan beri tanda centang pada “Unknown sources”. Pilih OK ketika ada peringatan keluar.